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Story of Solar Village Ethiopia

"Changing lives, one village at a time"
Managing Director/Owner
Lebeza Alemu
International Finance & Audit Professional, Business Man, BA in Accounting with over thirty-five years of experience as a finance manager in local and international organizations, Lebeza brings invaluable leadership experience and sets the vision for our business. He is a natural entrepreneur both in Ethiopia and in the US.

We engage in urban agriculture
Green house technology for sustainable seeding production.
Water saving technologies (Drip and sprinkler irrigation system installation).
Different vertical farming techniques.
Aquaponics (Fish ponding), and Hydroponics technologies.
Vermicomposting preparation.

Quality before anytime
Ensuring supply of tested & proven products is non-negotiable at Solar Village We first conduct comprehensive testing protocols and demonstrations with responsible agencies before supplying any solar technology. Furthermore, we scout for quality manufacturers certifications & standard agencies prior to engagements.
Dependable after-sales service network by rural establishments
Our business model is strongly based on the inclusion of rural youth investing in the creation of strong technical networks locally, than at the headquarters. Working with youths & creating jobs for the youth defines our model
When the community grows, so does our business
We are here to stay! Our business commits and implements reasonable mark ups
To sustain business operations and collect justifiable profits Our model of minimizing the middlemen contribute to lower margins We know too well we are a profit-based organization; however, our core objective is to grow with the community.
Enabling Access to Finance and Business Support Services:
Solar Village is not merely a supply business. A significant pillar of its operations will focus on facilitating business development services such as access to finance, and other critical services in partnership with finance and public development institutions Our company intends to design innovative loan schemes, integrate installment payments systems, and other services to boost ease of access.
Together for a stronger impact:
We can't do it alone as long as it serves our core objective of improving rural livelihoods, Solar Village will partner with private, public and development institutions for a stronger impact Undoubtedly. Solar Village’s operations are implemented with strict adherence to government policies and development goals.
Our Values
Our Story
Solar village solar equipment importer was established in 2019 as a sole proprietary company by an Ethiopian born Finance professional,Ato Lebeza Alemu who decided to give back to his community with over 40 years of experience as a finance professional in Ethiopia and abroad., he always aspired to change the lives of small holder farmers in the rural community.
Although supply of solar lanterns and household system was a plan in mind, a travel with a friend to the area called Robit and Fogera (Amhara region around Bahirdar) changed the focus on the new venture. Two small holder farmers in the area emphasized the need for technology that harnesses solar energy beyond household systems.
The farmers strongly demanded a reliable solar powered irrigation pump as opposed to their diesel-powered motor pumps, which require high running costs in terms of fuel and maintenance. coupled with other challenges, it was not difficult to realize the farmers productivity has severely been crippled despite their determination to improve their productivity. Solar village, solar equipment importer is the result of such an inspiration and strong purpose to help such farmers.

Solar Village, Agriculture and Irrigation Department Head.
Tigilu Tesfaye
B.Sc. Degree in Horticulture
Mr. Tiglu Tesfaye is a Horticulturist who is an Ethiopian citizen, residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia .
Mr. Tiglu Tesfaye got his B.Sc. Degree in Horticulture from Hawassa University and took his
master’s degree in Industrial oriented horticulture from Jimma University.
Mr . Tiglu Tesfaye has a 15+ years of experience in agriculture value chains both in private and different
NGOs starting from Agronomist position to national coordinator. He is working in horticultural crops
production, protection and post-harvest handlings with their respective market linkage.

Renewable Energy Department Head
Tekilemariyam Gochem
Mr T/Mariam Gochem earns his B.Sc. degree in electrical and electronic engineering and he also got his MSc degree in Renewable energy technology from Addis Ababa university. he has a long time experience in different positions as senior electrical engineering Trainer in renewable energy department and also worked as technology transfer and industry extension process owner as vice dean and instructor in TVET college. currently, T/Mariam is working as renewable energy department head for Solar village, Ethiopia

Project Supervisor and Irrigation Department Head
Melaku Tesema
Mr Melaku Tesema is irrigation engineer; Ethiopian citizen, residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Mr. Melaku Tesema has Msc Degree in Hydraulic Engineering From Bahir Dar university institution of technology and BSC Degree in Water Resource Management from Bahir Dar university. he has more than 9 years working experience as Water Resource Management and Usage, Irrigation Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer and Hydrologist experts in governmental and non government program in Ethiopia on the areas of design and supervision of hand dug well, design and supervision of water diversion structure, warehouse, bridge, farmer training center, design and installation of solar based irrigation system, design and installation of drip and sprinkler irrigation.

Tsehay Temesgen
BSc. Degree in Horticulture
Mr. Tsehay Temesgen Earns, His BSc. Degree from Arsi University. While his stay at university, he took all multidisciplinary courses of Horticultural crop production, protection and post-harvest handlings.
Mr. Tsehay Temesgen has the experience on crop production and management , crop scouting head
supervisor, and currently working as an agronomist on nursery management and horticultural crop

Procurement & Logistics Officer
Abinet Alemu
Mr. Abinet Alemu educational qualification: Bsc Degree in Chemistry from Addis Ababa University; BA Degree in Management from Addis Ababa University; MBA degree from Jimma University. Mr Abinet Alemu has more than 30 years work experiences from expert level to Quality Manager Job positions.

Admin and Finance Department Head
Mekedes Tilahun
Mrs.Mekedes Tilahun earns her BA degree in accounting and finance from Unity University. she worked in different government sectors starting from Junior Accountant to senior Finance department head. She also has an experience in different PLC. Generally she has more than 30 years work experience in finance sector.

Soressa Aboma
Mr . Soressa Aboma a graduate of civil engineer Residing in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia .
Mr. Soressa Earns His B.Sc. in civil engineering from Wollega university. While he stayed in University, he took all courses of construction and related fields .
Mr. Soressa Aboma has the experience in supervising construction activities since 2018 GC and current working at Solar village, Ethiopia as an operator of drip irrigation and facilitator of sales in agricultural products.

Store Keeper
Genet Gezahegn
Ms. Genet Gezahegn educational qualification has: Diploma in Accounting and finance From Queens college and also BA candidate by accounting. she has more than 3 years working experience as office secretary and store keeper .

Mulusew Fentahun
Mr. Mulusew is a technician of fish pond construction and fish production including supervisory duties.
He certified in General construction from Bahir Dar poly technician then he has worked in different sectors as
assistant contractor, supervisor and supportive staff. Currently, he is working as assistance technician and irrigation supervisor in Solar village, Ethiopia.

Aquaculture and hydroponic expert
Mulugeta Giovani
Mr. Mulugeta Giovani is Fishery expert.
Mr. Mulugeta Giovani got his Diploma in animal science from Addis Ababa University, and BSC in Applied
Biology from Addis Ababa University and post graduate certificate in Tropical Limnology from Egerton
University Kenya.
Mr. Mulugeta has long time experience as Junior fishery expert, senior integrated Aquaculture Expert and also, he worked as general manager for Fair field integrated farms.
He has a number of publications on growth and mortality rate of Oreochromis niloticus around lakes and Ethiopian journal of biological research.

Electric Technician
Fasil Endale
Diploma : Electrical Technology
Mr Fasil Endale is electrician ; Ethiopian citizen, residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Mr. Fasil Endale educational qualification has Diploma in Electrical Technology From Entoto Technical and vocational college and also by maintenance of air conditioner certified from satcom institution of technology. Mr Fasil Endale has more than 18 years working experience as Electrician office machine maintenance, Generator and elevator operator and maintenance and know solar water pump maintenance and installation.